MedGreen Forum 2017

This is the fourth bi-annual World Renewable Energy Congress and Network Forum aimed at the international community as well as Mediterranean countries. The first forum was held in 2010 in France. The Forum will highlight the importance of growing renewable energy applications in two main sectors: Electricity Generation and the Sustainable Building Sector.

The Mediterranean region was chosen to illustrate the viability of using renewable energy to satisfy all its energy needs. Read more

Among the main speakers:

Prof. Maurizio Carta

Prof. Wu Chen, BIAD

Prof. Saad Al Jauri Kuwait

Prof. Saverio Mecca

Prof. Ali Sayigh, WREN

Prof. Marco Sala, ABITA

Prof. Yheao Song, Tsinghua University

Final report by Prof. Ali



Report business session at Palazzo Strozzi




Status as of 31/07/2017